May 2020

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(No fun pictures this update ๐Ÿ˜ฉ)

       Well this is kind of a update on the end of April, AND all of May now that it is the 29th... First let me apologize about my lack of blogging. The truth of it all is that its simply been the most depressing weeks of my life. The COVID scare is still at large, however we are now in the orange zone (Whatever that means). 

      I guess I should get right into it then. The last thing I posted about was that Quinn ultimately was laid off. Which at the time was a very scary feeling. And soon after that news, Quinn actually had a seizure. This was understandably terrifying for me because I have never seen one before... I thought he was dying... It was horrible.... He spend a day and a half in the hospital recovering. It messed him up pretty good and I felt horrible for him. However he recovered fairly quickly and just a week later he was able to get a job with Big O Tires. A former manager of his at Enterprise, hooked him up with his sister who is the acting manager at Big O right now. The plan is that he will be training to eventually become the manager. 

      This is something he has been working for for the last three years at Enterprise, and finally after years of rejections and over working, Quinn finally has an opportunity that he has been waiting for! I am so proud of him and so happy he found this position very soon after his lay off. He makes about the same however he is now Salary! (he was hourly before) The down side, is now we have to rely on my school's health insurance, which isn't the greatest, but it will do for now. Overall we have had a rocky April with Quinn's health and career path, but it is slowly coming back around. The weirdest part about the lay off, is yes, at first I was scared to death on how we would survive, but in the back of my mind, and in my heart, I felt like it was a blessing in disguise. (Word to the wise, embrace the good feels, god is always watching and supporting).

     School has continually been a struggle, but it was officially over on the 22nd! I am not happy with my cadets grades, but I feel this is a struggle throughout all of Utah, and I would assume many other states. Bad news is that I will not be receiving my yearly raise due to budget cuts throughout the state... Also something I assume will be happening in many other states. There just isn't enough revenue due to COVID. Which sucks... like a lot... but we will push through as we always do. 

     My birthday came and went, nothing exciting. Pretty usual for me... Let's see... anything else I can update you all on ๐Ÿ™†....Oh!! I have started a paint series that I am extremely excited about! It involves animals and color! The cool part for me is that I am using oil paints. Which I don't do very often because I am not all that patient while using them... But its been very successful. Currently two paintings are finished, and prints will be available at a much discounted rate. I will be updating the painting section of this blog soon with those added in. 

   Now that summer is officially here I have a few main goals I will be focusing on in my many hours of free time! 

      #1 More ME time ( I have experienced a high level of depression and I am slowly     working on that)
      #2 More time for painting
      #3 30-60 of movement (wither it be in the gym with a hefty workout, or a hike with the pups)
      #4 Read at least 30 minutes a day! (I am going to read more!!! Which I actually hate doing...)

    As for now, I will continue to update as life goes on. Again I do apologize for having no updates the last few weeks. As you read... Its been very tough for me, and I am trying to find my balance. 


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