April 2020

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       Well the Pandemic is real! I am on my fourth week of teaching from home. I truly do not know how teachers in online schools teach online... There is a horrible disconnect to my students and I hate it... But I am making the best of what I have. Making sure they regularly check in with me so I know they are doing what they need to to finish up this year. As for home life, everything has been fairly uneventful. Quinn was put on his two week Furlough as of today (the 6th of April) and we initially were really excited about him being home so much. We wanted to get some much needed projects done at the house... but we don't know how long all of this will last for and or if he will still have a job after these next two weeks... 

              I am sure most people around the world are in the same job fear as he is in right new due to the pandemic. So we will be spending minimal money until we hopefully get past this major set back. I spend probably just as much time working online as I did in the classroom, just doing different tasks... I really miss my students and my fellow teachers. Its really hard not to get depressed as the days go by and we can't live our lives normally. For example I have been working strides on the gym for the past 3 months... and I am fearing the setbacks this will cause me when the gyms open back up, but I do my best to keep my chin up and keep fighting towards my goals. 

            I have picked up some old hobbies while in quarantine, which I love! I made Cassie and Loki matching dog sweaters! They hate them, but I love them :) and they look so freaking cute!

           One thing that has kept us constantly busy is our garden. We decided to go all out this year and really give it our all. So we rented a tiller and tilled up the garden, a spot behind the garage, where Quinn has been dying to start a corn patch, and a walk way between the garden and the garage. We have only been able to plant a single broccoli plant, and some onions, because its been such a cold spring, its not suggested to plant any peppers or warm weather plants for a few more weeks. Which is kind of a bummer sense we don't really plant anything else... AND with the pandemic, people are buying up plants like crazy, so there is a shortage in the stores right now as well... We might actually have to learn out to start from seedlings this year... Anyways, here's some pictures of our progress!

Garden before we did all the work...
Quinn hard at work tilling!
 All ready to plant!
muddy walking path before the work...
After tilling and weeding, and putting down some coverage ;)

The month is not over yet, so I will have plenty of updates to come!

Update: 4/21/2020
Well its official, things have gotten much worse.
First Quinn was on furlough for two weeks, and as of yesterday he is officially laid off... He has until May 15th and then he can apply for unemployment... However that's not going to cover our expenses... We are both praying this all blows over by July... if not we are totally screwed... The chances of finding a job right now are extremely slim, and Quinn is more depressed by the day. I am actively praying good news and a miracle happens soon.


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