November 2019

November 2019

          How on earth is it already the LAST week of November? I swear it was only Halloween yesterday... Well no time for dwelling in the past :) especially when it is going by so freaking fast! We already have snow.... and I mean like A LOT of snow! It snowed on the 25th just enough to cover the ground, but today (the 27th) it has snowed all morning long and I believe it will be snowing all day today, tomorrow (Thanksgiving) and Friday... we are expected to get 10” by the time this storm passes. I don’t think Quinn has even seen that much snow except for when he would go snowboarding... This last week of November is looking and feeling more and more like a Christmas Winter Wonderland... and I’m not sure how I feel about that...

         Quinn and I are thinking a very simple Christmas this year. We have money saved to do things, but have decided to keep it super simple. We are thinking of just getting season passes to lagoon, and calling it good. We enjoy getting things for each other, but we would rather have experiences and memories rather then things. I love that about him! Having a companion that agrees with you even on some of these smaller things makes a big difference! Oh dear... look at me going on and on about next month... The two people who regular read my posts are probably like, “Geez McKayla, stick to your topic...” You people are right!

       Okay, lets start with Quinn’s health. Sense this blog was to document our great adventures with his health being a big part of it. He had his first appointment with a endocrinologist on the 15th. So far his sugar and insulin control has gotten better, he is in the top 70% which from what the nurses were saying, is a big deal, most people are in the 40-50%. Not sure what all the numbers mean right now, but they basically said he was doing great, they gave him some tips on how to do better, but for now we won’t know more until his next appointment next month where his blood work will be involved. So hopefully there will be good updates to follow! He is down to two more appointments needed for his teeth to FINALLY be finished! It’s taken forever, but after 6 months of dealing with the issues I will be so glad once they are all finished! We have recently started using the Dexcom G6 transmitter, and for those who don’t know what that is, its a little sensor attached to his arm, or stomach depending on where he wants it. There’s a little prong that pokes into his skin just enough to check his blood sugars. He can see what his numbers are at anytime, and it will product that he will be needed insulin because of a sugar spike. It’s all connected to his phone and my phone, so if he is busy at work and hasn’t had a chance to check his phone it will alert me and I can call him to remind him. It’s so nice to be able to painlessly check his sugars and have the access 24 hours a day. We are believers of the Dexcom! The only lame part is that it only lasts 14 days, so he does have to change it every so often, which isn’t cheap, but for him to have the peace of mind, worth it!

    Nothing work wise has changed for either of us, other then its the holiday season, so its like pulling teeth to get my students to do any work... typical. That being said, I do have some exciting news to share. I have teamed up with my cousin to assist her in illustrating a book she has written. I am so excited for it to be finished! I have all the illistrations finished I just need to scan them and send them to her. We are hoping to get it ready to purchase right before Christmas, so hopefully I’ll have updates on next months entry! 

    My health however, seems to have me in limbo. I never feel quite myself... I have a wellness appointment but not until January. Seems the women’s clinics in Ogden are very busy... they were booked out til January so I didn’t have much choice. Hoping to get started on a diagnostic process on weather or not I have PCOS in some degree. The older I get the more I am starting to see signs and I really don’t know what my plan will be once I have all the information, but I just want to get back to a happy body. Obviously I will have updates on that but it won’t be for the next few posts. 

    Cassie is finally on her allergy medications and extra extra helpings of Fish oil and Salmon fish oils which seem to be doing her wonders! Very happy with the way things are turning out for her! Loki continues to ingest things he shouldn’t and either throwing them up or pooping them out... If only we could keep him away from EVERYTHING... 

   Well that’s about it... I am sure I’ll have more to say next month, but thanks for reading my incoherent babbling! 


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