October 2019

October 2019
(So far)

            It has been way to long sense my last post... and I am sorry about that to the two people that even read this 😆 . I started this whole thing to document mine and Quinn's journey of getting healthy, changing up our first house together and maybe selling some artwork within the process, but what I did not take into account is that I really suck at keeping up on writing about myself. I never was a journal kind of person and I am trying to change that.


           So lets just quickly get everyone up to date. Last I updated this blog, I believe it was July, towards the end of the month. School has obviously started, its been going by WAY to quickly! I can't believe its already October. We have just wrapped up the first quarter of the year and I feel like we just started. This being my third year, I have been noticing that I have a much thicker skin this year which makes me feel way more in control of my room and my teaching style. I am truly happy with my position at the school. Switching gears here, Quinn has been doing much better with his day to day health. His sugars are in more control which is a huge deal considering where we were a year ago. This month last year, is when he was diagnosed with Diabetes, but at that time he was only diagnosed with type 2 and his sugars were consistently in the 350-500 range. The miracle of insulin is so unbelievably real! He still losses energy quickly, he definitely still bruises like a peach, but he actually has the enthusiasm of live back and will go out and do things with me like we used to. We will take the wins when we can! The pups are doing great. Cassie's health is always improving, but it would be nice to figure out how to get her darn itching situation under control. Poor thing has been dealing with that her whole life, but I think we have found a veterinarian who might actually find a solution for us and I couldn't be more relieved and hopeful. 

           Now, lets get to what's happening now! I will update my weight loss page on the actual page, so I will not be talking about here. And I have a few projects I have finished that I will be sharing on my projects page so be sure to check those out! 

October :

           This month has been a bit of a roller coaster of emotions for us. Quinn began the month with the most unfortunate kidney stone pain he has had in a long time. Poor guy has been pounding down as much water as possible trying to get the stone moving, it seemed useless until a few days ago when he finally passed it. We hope this is the only one, but the pain hasn't completely gone away... so cross your fingers that its just his body recovering from the stone moving around. 

(Biggest stone he has passed to date)

         Quinn was a trooper though, we took the first Friday of the month off for a sort of mini stacation for us, sense we haven't been able to go anywhere or have a vacation due to crazy medical bills. We attended a AJR concert and absolutely loved it! It was so much fun, exactly what we needed to recharge our relationship and our motivation to keep going. Its been tough juggling my role as housekeeper, life partner, emotional supporter, and now nurse if and when needed for Quinn, so any extra time where we can just be us is so refreshing. Experiences like that help me remember how much I love him and why everything I do, I do for him. We truly are best friends 💑.

(AJR concert October 3rd)
       Hopefully we will be going to Lagoon's Frightmares before the month is over. We bought tickets from Costco (because we cheap witches 😂) at the beginning of the month, planning to go the day after the concert, but Quinn's kidney pain at the time was not agreeing with that..... so cross your fingers I can get Quinn feeling up to it soon. I'll definitely post some pictures if we go. 
          Instead of going to lagoon after the concert, we decided to do something a bit less physically demanding... We ripped up the flooring in our side entrance area...

            It definitely was not as easy as we thought it was going to be... but we got it all off and stripped the floor of the glue. Next step was to put down the new flooring. Our moto if we screw up, "Well it was ugly before, it can't get any worse." We also ripped up all the disgusting, made in the 70's, covered in 50 years of gross crap, carpet that covered the stairs that when down to the basement. It already smells better in that area... which means that the carpet was as gross as we suspected. 

Last step will be to add the tile on the step, and the best part is the tile color LITERALLY MATCHES my door! I cannot wait to get the tile up this weekend! you best bet that I will be posting pictures as soon as its all finished!
I do plan to update this as the month continues, but for now there isn't much else to say. We will be taking family photos on the 20th so expect changes in photos very soon! And this time we will get to have pictures of Loki!


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