

So for 2019 Quinn and I have decided it's time to get serious about having a budget and sticking to it. We've made a goal for ourselves to be debt free in 5 years (Long term). But for this year, we plan to knock out both our student loans. So obviously a budget is essential.

The biggest reason we haven't done it in the last 4 years is because I was still in college and we didn't have a consistent income to work with. But now that I am in the second year of teaching full-time, we are doing our best to make a change!

We are using the app Everydollar, which seems to have everything we were looking for in a budget app... my biggest struggle is tracking everything accurately. I have all the tools I need... I just don't always like seeing where all our money is actually going... haha.

It's a big laughable because we pride ourselves on being frugal, but it's only been day 3 and I am already like, "wow we need to make some changes..." Anyone else feel this way?

So with the topic of finances and budgeting I'd love to hear from you. What works for you? How do you track your money? Do you have allowances for vacations or small getaways? If so, how much? I need all the details!

(Quinn and I are super adventurous and always like to have a new adventure each month so it's sort of a necessity for us.)


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