Part 1 of January

January 2019

January, a month of new beginnings. Planning and preparing for the new year's resolutions we are all so eager to start. You are excited and enthused with the promise of change, hopefully for the better! Healthier eating, weight goals, gym goals, financial battle plans, etc.

Our January was suppose to start with a trip to D.C. that we had been planning for months. We were so excited, flights booked, we were staying in an Airbnb, the trip was paid for. Even with the recent government shut down we had planned a full five days worth of sites to see and activities to do.

Back story, Quinn was diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 back in October of 2018 and we were trying for three months to get his blood sugars under control, we tried a change of diet, different doses of metformin, and nothing was working. In fact he seemed to be getting worse. He had lost 30 lbs in under two months, he had lost color, was extremely tired all the time and continued to show signs of getting worse by the day. We were at a lost of what to do. He was scheduled to switch to insulin the week we would be back from out trip, so we were hoping he could make it until then... Boy were we wrong and oh so very clueless.

The Sunday before we were to catch our plane, Quinn got a terrible infection in his tooth which caused his jaw to swell to the size of a golf ball. I was sure the dentist would be able to fix it and we would be fine to continue with our trip. Of course that was not the case. He got his tooth fix, yes, but he spiraled from there. He was breathing so heavily it sounded like he was hyperventilating. He turned a shad of white I had never seen before and he was loosing his vision and getting extremely dizzy with the smallest of movements. The day we were to leave for our trip he was in such disarray, I panicked and feared the worse. So I canceled the trip and headed to the hospital.

 Long story short he was going into a state of DKA. If you don't know what that is its technical term is, Diabetic Ketoacidosis. It happens when your blood sugar is very high and acidic substances called ketones build up to dangerous levels in your body. So in conclusion, Quinn did not only have a close brush with death, but he also is now type 1. What a life change that has been. We are at the end of the month and we are still working each day with great nervousness to control his blood sugars with insulin.

He has been such a trooper, but being a passionate foodie, he is struggling each and everyday to stay positive about his new heath condition. He is at his weakest physically, emotionally and mentally, but together he knows we can take on the world.

Cassie, on the other hand, has always been very in tune with Quinn's health and every time he gets sick, so does she. Well for the first time in almost 4 years, she had multiple accidents in the house. Poor thing. And to top that all off, because of her accidents she had to pick the year Quinn got me a roomba vacuum...

To wrap up the end of this crazy start of my year I now know how to properly clean dog poop out of a roomba vacuum.

Here we are a year ago! Aren't we cute!!


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